Bee Sting Honey Jalapeno Wine! New Batch! This small batch wine has Jalapeno lovers making a dash for the Bishop Estate Vineyard and Winery. The slightly sweet wine is smooth and full of flavor, but it’s the nice warm feeling that sits on your tongue and that peppery aroma that will blow your mind! Slight notes of honey are tantalizing but not overwhelming. Pair this with strong or sharp cheeses, like blue cheese gorgonzola, or sip alone or with a nice piece of dark chocolate. This will also be great with a spicy chili or burrito! Enjoy the wine and our cute bee label and get it soon because it just flies off the shelf… ha-ha, get it? But seriously, it really does! Wine is available for tasting!

Christmas Sangria
Serving a Christmas Sangria made with Bishop Estate’s Croc my world (or Initiative Marquette if you like it dryer) is an easy and festive way